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Simplified Mental Health Care withEvernorth(Cigna) Insurance

Access quality mental healthcare with your Evernorth(Cigna) insurance coverage

Connect with experienced Evernorth(Cigna) therapists and counselors online
Low to no copay with most Evernorth(Cigna) plans
First session is free!

Transparent Coverage with Evernorth(Cigna)

We believe in complete transparency about mental health care costs. A copay is your share of the cost for each therapy session, while Evernorth(Cigna) covers the rest.

At TheraWin, we verify your exact coverage before your first session, so you'll never face surprise bills.


Minimum Copay


Typical Range


Maximum Copay

How It Works

Start your therapy journey in three simple steps


Book Free Consultation

Schedule a free call with our care team to verify your insurance coverage.


Match with Therapist

Our experts understand your needs and match you with the right therapist.


Begin Your Journey

Start your therapy sessions and get the support you deserve.

Free consultation includes insurance verification and therapist matching

Our Commitment to Cultural Competency


Native Languages Supported


Clients Served


Client Satisfaction

Culturally-Aware Communication

Our therapists understand and respect diverse cultural backgrounds.

Specialized Expertise

Experience in addressing unique challenges faced by diverse communities.

Inclusive Environment

Creating a welcoming space for people of all backgrounds.

We believe that effective therapy must acknowledge and embrace cultural differences. Our commitment to cultural competency ensures that your unique background and experiences are understood and valued throughout your healing journey.

TheraWin is the world’s first culturally competent mental health care platform designed specifically for immigrants. It offers affordable and accessible multilingual therapy, helping you navigate your mental health journey.
TheraWin offers a range of therapeutic modalities, including individual therapy, couples therapy, and marriage counseling, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), trauma-informed therapy, and many more.
Yes, all therapists on TheraWin are licensed professionals, ensuring you receive qualified and ethical care. Our therapists understand your culture and language, providing personalized and culturally-sensitive therapy.
Your data security and privacy are our top priorities. TheraWin is fully HIPAA compliant, adhering to the highest standards of data protection in healthcare. This means your sensitive information is encrypted, securely stored, and accessible only to authorized personnel directly involved in your care.
Yes, you can schedule therapy sessions at convenient times. TheraWin offers flexible scheduling options to accommodate your availability, ensuring you can connect with your therapist at times that work best for you.
Therapy can benefit anyone navigating cultural adjustment, trauma, or mental health challenges. It offers support, understanding, and effective coping strategies tailored to your needs. Seeking therapy is a positive step towards improving your well-being and achieving a more balanced life.
Yes! Therawin offers a free consultation session where you can get in touch with our therapists and experience your first culturally-informed therapy.